meet alexis

My name is Alexis and I’m a "straight up" therapist – I call an ace an ace, and a spade a spade. I support and challenge you so you can begin idenitifying the patterns that are holding you back. I love to laugh with my patients, therapy does not have to be gloom and doom. There is a fair amount of serious work, and you will be supported and encouraged through the process. My goal is to walk beside you, listen, understand, and support you in your efforts to heal.

Licensed Clinical Social Worker & Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialist

I have the education, degrees, and licenses to help treat addiction and mental health problems – primarily trauma, addiction, anxiety, and depression related issues. I’ve been vetted through a rigorous education program (Go Tar Heels!), and North Carolina has granted me two licenses to practice in the state. I have the experience of working in a community mental health agency, an inpatient psychiatric hospital, a substance abuse treatment facility, an outpatient treatment at a hospital, and owning and operating a private practice.

Am I qualified?

I believe that authentic, healthy relationships are foundational. Here are a few more of my beliefs that guide my therapy, practice…and lifestyle

There is no cookie-cutter method for helping humans. We are all different. My patients have appreciated my desire of being creative with what they need. I may whip out a Tibetan singing bowl for some good ole sound therapy, guide you to the white board (I LOVE white boards, I’m visual), or we may pull out a deck of cards to help you gain clarity.  

i'm ready

We heal in community! Connection counts! My patients have said that group treatment has been as helpful as their individual sessions. Getting connected with a group where you feel that you belong is so valuable to your healing. 

Sometimes we just need a good giggle to release the tension of life. Think about how good a good laugh feels - the kind that brings tears to your eyes. It’s amazing. I do not promise comedy central, but sometimes it takes dropping the “serious” to get serious - and laughter is, at times, the perfect vehicle.




One of my favorite life mottos is “compassionately telling it like it is.” I am a human and I have been in pain. I understand what it means to want and need help. I also understand how important it is to have a supportive and understanding ear when you need it. This value is threaded through my life and in my practice.


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